
SEND information report

Bedlington Academy is an inclusive school which ensures that all students achieve their educational potential with an additional focus placed on spiritual, moral, social and cultural development (SMSC). We are committed to achieving equality and providing full access to the National Curriculum for all students, including those with special educational needs. Currently, our support register consists of 14.4% of our student cohort.

The intention of this Local Offer is to inform parents/carers how we, as a school, support all students who attend Bedlington Academy, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

As a school we have consulted with parents/carers in the production of this offer by sharing information regarding the changes to the SEND code of practice. We have implemented this initially in the form of a letter produced by the Department for Education and will continue to follow this up with parental focus groups.

Our school SEND policy can be found here 

SEND information report